Our teen ministry CORNERSTONE meets Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. The big night is Wednesdays. It officially starts at 7 pm but kids can show up a few minutes early to hang out or get involved in games (outside most of the year). Junior High and Senior High meet together for some high energy worship, fun games, and Biblical teaching that will challenge and help them in their unique world. The Jr. High and Sr. High then split for small groups to discuss the message and finish up around 8:30 pm.
Sundays bring some great Bible study at 9:30 am – most then attend the main worship service at 11 am.
Teen events are frequent and action-packed. Summer and winter camps, paintball on our own field, nerf wars, game nights, crazy activities, movie nights, formals, and times of serving the community too. We encourage our Teens to minister in our programs here at CROSSROADS. Download a permission slip for any events below.
Sundays bring some great Bible study at 9:30 am – most then attend the main worship service at 11 am.
Teen events are frequent and action-packed. Summer and winter camps, paintball on our own field, nerf wars, game nights, crazy activities, movie nights, formals, and times of serving the community too. We encourage our Teens to minister in our programs here at CROSSROADS. Download a permission slip for any events below.

Sunday Mornings
We meet downstairs in Cornerstone, led by Pastor Tyler Schutt to dive deep into the Bible and learn what God is revealing to us in His word.
Wednesday Nights
A typical evening includes fun and crazy games, worship music, an engaging Bible lesson, and then we break up into small groups to discuss the lesson and how it applies to our lives. Feel free to come a little early and play ga-ga, carpetball, video games, and other fun activities.
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
Cornerstone Youth Group is for any student in 6th through 12th grade. Our goal is to help every teen grow closer to Jesus. We know that being a teenager can be tough. Between family, school, sports, activities, or friends there can be a lot of pressure. We don't want church to be just another thing to add to the list, but a relationship with Jesus as the foundation, or Cornerstone, that will help you though life. We strive to provide a safe and fun environment where students can learn from God's Word, live in community with believers, labor to serve one another, and lead others as they mature in Christ.